Head Start and Early Learning Collaborative Decides Focus Areas

Thursday, Mar. 15, 2018
We brought together regional Head Start and Hub leaders to decide which issues to tackle together as an early learning system.

Statewide Collaborative Highlights

Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018
ELM helped the Early Learning Division host the Early Learning Hub Learning Collaborative in Portland, Feb 5-7. Director Frances Sallah shares what piqued her interest.

Equity From The Start

Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018
ELM is focused on racial equity for good reason—because biases built into our early learning system create barriers for children of color even before they step foot in a school.

Introducing ELM's New Oversight Council

Thursday, Jan. 18, 2018
We’re kicking off a few changes to our governance model, including a new council and an improved meeting structure. It’s all part of our continued effort to elevate parent insights as we build an early learning system that allows every child to succeed in school.

Looking Back: 11 Reasons to Celebrate 2017

Thursday, Dec. 14, 2017
It's been a year of important firsts, new partnerships and breaking down barriers. Here are eleven reasons to celebrate our collective work in 2017.

Kitzhaber Visits Preschool Promise Classrooms

Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017
“I can’t think of a better way to start a week than spending time with young learners. I have been smiling ever since".

Preschool for all? Count us in.

Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017
On October 13, more than 250 local leaders and practitioners met to kick off a conversation about universal preschool in Multnomah County. Read our main takeaways from the day.

P-3 Coordinators Build Trust, Engage Families

Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2017
Last year, ELM funded family engagement positions at eight SUN Community Schools. A year later, our partners know more about what it takes to build trust, build community, and empower parents from diverse backgrounds.

Heartbeat of the Community

Tuesday, Sep. 12, 2017
The newly redesigned Faubion School just opened its doors to the community. ELM is proud to be part of the school's innovative 3 to PhD™ model.

How to Engage Families

Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2017
PAC members joined hundreds of parents and professionals at the National Family and Community Engagement Conference in June. Here's what they learned.

PAC Celebrates Three Years

Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2017
In July, ELM’s Parent Accountability Council (PAC) celebrated three years of guiding investments, changing local systems, and sharing lessons across the country. Here’s what they’ve accomplished in the last year.

Focused Networks Boost Confidence and Quality

Thursday, Jul. 20, 2017
African American, Latino, and Slavic child care providers who had limited access to professional development opportunities are gaining new skills through Focused Child Care Networks.