Meet Petra Hernandez, Parent Leader
Wednesday, Sep. 26, 2018
Petra Hernandez is a Latina community leader, mother, volunteer, PAC member and Oversight Council member. She says the Parent Accountability Council is “like another family.” Here's her story.
Teachers Visit Homes, Connect with Kindergarten Families
Thursday, Aug. 30, 2018
With school back in session, kindergarten teachers across Multnomah County are headed outside the classroom for their most important meetings of the year—home visits with incoming kindergarteners and their families.
Black Kids Matter: A Letter in Support of KairosPDX
Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018
ELM's partner KairosPDX provides a welcoming, culturally responsive education for Black children in Portland—children who have been underserved for far too long.
Health and Early Learning Team Up for Impact
Wednesday, Jul. 25, 2018
Research says children are set up for lifelong health when pediatricians and early childhood experts work together. CCOs and Early Learning Hubs in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties are making that collaboration reality.
Parents Celebrate Having a Place at the Table
Wednesday, Jul. 25, 2018
Our Parent Accountability Council (PAC) has been ELM’s heart, soul, and guiding force for four years. Here are eight ways that our PAC leaders made an impact in the last year.
Making Preschool Possible
Thursday, Jun. 21, 2018
Preschool Promise made it possible for 116 Multnomah County children to graduate from great preschools this year. Jayden, Savior, and Connor are three of those graduates.
Meet Lam Hoang, Parent Leader
Thursday, May. 24, 2018
We talked to Lam Hoang, PAC member and Oversight Council member, about her experience as a Vietnamese immigrant, mother, and parent leader. Here is her story.
ELM Selected for National Network Committed to Building Strong Early Childhood Systems
Friday, Apr. 27, 2018
Multnomah County is the only community in the Pacific Northwest selected to be part of the Center for the Study of Social Policy's EC-LINC—a national network to inform policies that improve early childhood systems.
Time to Sign Up for Kindergarten!
Friday, Apr. 27, 2018
Our Ready for Kindergarten campaign taps into community connections across 30+ organizations to reach incoming kindergarteners and their families.
Networks Add Real Value: Here's How
Thursday, Apr. 26, 2018
ELM Co-Director Molly Day shares what she’s learned through the national Equity Leaders Action Network and why networks like these have a real impact on ELM’s work locally.
How to Engage Families in Policy?
Thursday, Apr. 26, 2018
We want family voice to be front and center in developing policies, but how do we do that in a way that is authentic, effective, and not burdensome for families?
Kinder Teachers Say Preschool Promise Grads Have the Skills to Succeed
Thursday, Mar. 22, 2018
In 2017, the first class of preschoolers graduated from ELM’s Preschool Promise site at Mill Park Elementary. Today, these children are well into their kindergarten year.